I've been a bit busy recently so blog traffic is a bit low :-(
I'm workin' on documenting a customer network, and one of the things I needed to do was calculate the number of fast Ethernet ports available on each floor. Since I have a little if & then experience from my PHP work I figured I could achieve this in excel.
Unfortunately excels if & then's aren't nested so this may look a little nasty.
The deal is this, I have 4 types of switches Cat 5509, 5505, 5500 or 6509. Cell B3 tells me what type of switch I have, F3 tells me whether I'm using 24 or 48 port blades, and I assume that each Cat Switch has 2 supervisor cards.
The formula breaks down like this
if I have a 5509
7 x F3
if I have a 5505
3 x F3
if I have a 5500
10 x F3
if I have a 6509
7 x F3
Print Blank
sadly WordPress has hidden my nesting, but hopefully this makes sense :-)