Robert (Jamie) Munro submitted a pull request yesterday which improves the way we can use the RSDNS tools.
RSDNS now has now a master rsdns
script/command which can be used to
call the other sub-scripts. For example commands like: -n -i
... can be replaced by:
rsdns a -n -i
sweet touch eh?
[nick@nickel ~]$ rsdns
Use the -h switch for details on how to use each sub command
e.g. rsdns a -h
Available commands:
aaaa Manage AAAA records, host records for IPv6
a Manage A records, host records for IPv4
cn Manage canonical name (CNAME) records
dc Dynamic DNS Client for rackspace cloud DNS
did Delete records by ID
domain Create & delete domains hosted by rackspace cloud DNS
list List domains and records hosted by rackspace
mx Manage mail exchange (MX) records
ns Manage domain name server (NS) records
srv Manage service (SRV) records
txt Manage text (TXT) records
[nick@nickel ~]$
I've posted a run thru on