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  • checking if python is running via ssh

    Sometimes it's nice when something is much easier than you expected. I have a few cobbled together python scripts for speeding things up, one in particular I have on my home pc which I wanted to work out if am I running it locally or if I have SSH ...

  • Cisco ISE - Registration Authority Response Invalid

    This is a good one where Android devices will provision but Apple iOS will not.... and it only happens with Publicly Signed Certificates (installed on the ISE PSN).

    As per the screenshot, the iPhone profile installation fails with the error Profile Installation Failed and The Registration Authority's response is ...

  • That old Cisco IPSEC VPN Client hangs on Windows 7 64bit

    Most people have migrated to AnyConnect or abandoned Cisco altogether in disgust that Remote Access VPN is chargeable but there are a few installations out there who hang onto their beloved old yellow client before they send it to the farm in the sky.

    I recently came across one of ...

  • Cisco NTP Authentication to Linux Server

    NTP Authentication is a recommended best security practice; there are a lot of documents out there on how to setup NTP authentication between two Cisco IOS devices but anything between Cisco and LINUX is few and far between.

    I have setup a LINUX Server (Redhat/CentOS) box, that will act ...

  • RPM SPECS for Python CiscoConfParse

    Recently I have been using ciscoconfparse to loop through Cisco configs, installing on my local laptop is straightforward with pip however getting it onto a customers linux jump server can be a bit more tricky (proxies, build deps and the like).

    For Redhat/Centos (6) boxes I found an out ...

  • bash: ls modified or added files

    One of the most useful features of OSX's finder is bing able to sort files by modified or added. In my typical workflow I use a $SHELL to move around directories and then use open . to open finder in the right location.

    To speed things up a little more ...

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